The Seven Primal Questions

by Mike Foster

The Seven Primal Questions is a simple way of seeing your hidden programming, emotional needs, and supernatural gifts in a transparent way. Inside, you’ll learn your unique Primal Question and allow it to equip you to maximize it for your growth — plus, you’ll stop being controlled by old wounds and patterns that sabotage your story.

"This book is brilliant. I could not put it down!"
—Jenni LaCasse from Amazon


Unlock your emotional superpower — and then apply it.

Inside of the book, you’ll learn how to manage stress, anxiety, and life's challenges — and then you’ll discover how to use your primal question to accelerate performance, build emotional fitness, and solidify your unique purpose. Plus, these solutions are easy — and you won’t get stuck in weird self-help philosophies, yogababble, or complex solutions for personal development. Instead, you’ll find some ultra-clarity, supercharged tools, and plain talk about how to take ownership of your life.

“The awareness I’ve gained about myself and how I interact with others is priceless.”
—Ashley from Amazon

With over 300 Five Star reviews on Amazon, the Primal Question book is impacting readers in a profound way. Reviews have called the book a “great, fast read” and an “excellent tool for self discovery.” If you’re looking for a place to start, pick up a copy today.

“A Life Changer!”

How Does the Primal Question Work?

Watch this short video as Mike Foster unpacks the simple but profound way the Primal Question works in our lives and relationships.


Mike Foster

Mike Foster is the creator of the Primal Question Framework which is a revolutionary new way to understand human psychology and core drivers of our lives. Mike has a unique ability to take the complexities of our traumatic experiences and simplify them in way that fast-tracks healing.

He is a widely respected thought leader on emotional health, inner intelligence and how to maximize our primal gifts in the workplace. Mike’s projects have been featured in The NY Times, Good Morning America, and on FOX News.

He also trains coaches and counselors in the Primal Question model in his 3-month certification program.

He lives in San Diego with his wife of 28 years.


What’s your Primal Question?

Learn the simple question that drives your life, your decisions, and your future.

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