5 Mindset Shifts to Help You Close Sales as a Coach
Today, I want to talk about a topic that holds many coaches back from reaching their full potential:
Asking for money and closing sales calls.
If you've ever felt nervous, anxious, or uncertain when it comes to closing sales and asking for money, you're not alone. These feelings are common, but they can keep you stuck in a cycle of underearning and underserving.
When you don't have the confidence to sell your services and charge what you're worth, you miss out on opportunities to work with your ideal clients and make a bigger impact.
You might find yourself settling for less than you deserve or struggling to fill your coaching practice.
But it doesn't have to be this way.
In this newsletter, I'm going to share 5 powerful mindset shifts that have helped me and countless other coaches approach sales conversations with confidence, ease, and integrity. These shifts will transform the way you think about selling and empower you to grow your business.
Mindset Shift 1: It's good for someone to pay you.
Here's the truth: it's not just good for you when someone pays you. It's good for them, too.
When clients invest in your coaching services, they're more likely to show up, do the work, and follow through on their commitments. They're investing in their own growth and transformation, so they're incentivized to reorient their priorities to get the most out of their investment.
Mindset Shift 2: The client doesn't pay for your expertise.
Remember, your clients aren't paying for your advice.
They're investing in achieving a desired outcome that they are not currently experiencing. Your job is to help them get clear on those outcomes and then guide them to make it a reality. The investment itself will help your client advance toward their desired goal.
Mindset Shift 3: Your price point doesn't have to make sense for everyone.
One of the biggest hang-ups coaches have around pricing is the belief that their services need to be affordable for everyone.
But here's the truth: your price point only has to make sense for the right people. There are people out there, right now, who are willing and able to make big investments in their own growth and development. It's helpful for me to remember that people pay premium prices for all sorts of things. People pay lots of money for massages, high-end experiences, etc.
Your coaching is no different, and it produces a much more valuable result.
Mindset Shift 4: The more someone pays, the more likely they are to follow through.
This might feel counterintuitive, but stay with me.
When a client has invested a significant amount in coaching with you, they're far more likely to take it seriously. They're motivated to show up fully, do the deep work, and create real, lasting change in their life. The changes you're helping people make will have a generational impact.
No amount of money is too much to create a generational legacy.
Mindset Shift 5: Your money stories don't have to limit your success.
We all have our own stories and beliefs around money.
For many coaches, those stories can be limiting. Maybe you have a voice in your head that says "I can't charge that much" or "I'm not worth it because I'm not good enough yet." Those stories don't have to define your reality. You get to choose the beliefs that shape your business and your life. It's time to set aside those old, limiting stories and start writing new stories of value and impact.
Embracing these mindset shifts isn't always easy, but it's worth it.
When you start showing up to sales conversations with a deep-rooted belief in the value of your work, a commitment to your client's success, and the confidence to ask for and receive what you're worth? That's when the magic happens.
Here's what I want you to do:
Set a timer for 3 minutes and reflect on your current sales mindset.
Which of these shifts resonated with you most? Where do you feel called to grow and expand? Choose one mindset shift to focus on this week, and notice how it changes the way you show up in your business and your life.
Remember, your coaching is powerful. Your work matters. And you deserve to be compensated for the transformation you bring to the world.
Thanks for reading,
Mike Foster
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