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5 Questions to Examine the Story You Believe About Yourself
It's not your job, your relationships, or even your past experiences. It's the story you believe about yourself.

The Power of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is the key to removing those burdensome, heavy items from your duffel bag to make space for better things. It's a way to lighten your load and create room for more joy, peace, and fulfillment in your life.

The Cost of Perfectionism
As someone who's struggled with perfectionism myself, I know how sneaky and destructive it can be. Let's dive in and explore how we can break free from the perfectionism trap and start living with more freedom, creativity, and contribution.

5 Tips to Break Free From Codependency
Codependency can show up in a lot of different ways.
In a nutshell, it's the chronic neglect of yourself in order to gain love, validation, or self-identity through another person.

Exotic Solutions vs. Foundational Solutions
People chase “magic bullet” solutions at the expense of the basic habits that lead to real, lasting change. It's heartbreaking to watch people I care about get caught in this trap when the solutions are so simple. I don't want you to fall into the same cycle.
That's why today, I want to talk about…

6 Hard Truths of Life to Embrace for Personal Growth
I think there's something really powerful about embracing the facts. Embracing the truth.

Are All of Your Thoughts Trustworthy?
Our thoughts can either propel us forward or hold us back. A large percentage of the outcomes we experience in life can be traced back to what we think about ourselves, others, and the world.

5 Misconceptions About Healthy Love
If we don’t have the right expectations about love, we set ourselves up for disappointment and heartbreak. That’s why I want to identify a few misconceptions about love, which are especially prevalent in my clients who have Primal Question 3: Am I loved?

How to Improve Your Life Through Self-Leadership
Self-leadership is a crucial skill that will improve every area of your life.

What a Study on Rats Can Teach Us About Hope
We ignore the pain of reality and paint a picture of a perfect future. Regardless of the obstacles in the way, we’re convinced we can achieve anything we set our minds to. While this approach may provide temporary relief, it ultimately sets us up for disappointment when reality fails to meet our unrealistic expectations.

How to Grow in Love (Using the Primal Questions)
Through our work together, we were able to turn up the lights to see what was really going on inside them. Using their Primal Questions, they were finally able to see through the matrix and discover the truth. They were primarily interacting with each other's Scramble and not the individual themselves.

How to Transform Lives as a Coach or Counselor
As coaches and counselors, we want to help people. We want to be heart healers and restorers. We want to be the type of people who meet others in their mess with the tools to make it better.

How Do I Sustain My Energy?
At a certain point, we have to be willing to accept ourselves as we are, limitations and all. With that said, we can do things to increase our energy and reduce our risk of burnout.

How to Handle Grief
Grief is like this emotional and physical sludge that says, “Slow down. Things are going to change. It's not going to be the same anymore.” And we don’t like that. Especially here in America, we don’t like to slow down. We like to push through, pull ourselves up, and charge ahead.